After much complaining and lots of "encouragement" from friends I am posting again on my blog. This blog isn't going to life altering or profound, but it will make note of some of my rare creative juices.
I have finally decided on a theme for our bathroom. Venetian. More specifically Venice at night. I think I am also going to add a touch of Verona, the not so distant cousin town to Venice. Yes, for those of you who remember, Verona is the same town that Romeo and Juliet lived in. No this will not be a Romeo and Juliet theme. - This decision led to deciding that each room in our house will have a different country theme. They will all most likely be European countries but at least that wont seem as disorganized.
Some who read this, and it wont be many, will think to yourselves, 'aren't you supposed to have picked out all the decorating and that before you get married.' Come to find out a year in the minimalist decorating we did when we got married I love some of it and I hate other parts. :) The modern living/family room we have I can't get enough of. Which makes me think that our living room is German or Swedish- thank you Ikea. But I digress. Even though I hated some things we had very functional decor and there was no good reason to "redecorate", but one night Honey and I were on a late night run to Walmart and we came across these towels that were on clearance. Now I can't find a picture of them any where but I did find ones that look kind of like the towels we bought.

From these I began to redo our bathroom, from sailor red and ocean blue to Venetian blue and beautiful cream. My bathroom has started to become my getaway, my own spa. In my efforts to continue this feeling I am trying to replace my shower curtain. There really aren't many Venetian shower curtains out there. So I am still needing some help and direction when it comes to that department. Here is the only contender.
Opinions and ideas welcome on this front.
During my google queries of Venetian decorating ideas, in which I didn't really come up with much, I remembered that in our front room I have a mask from a Cirque Du Soleil.
From there this monster of an idea started to take root. What if I put a mask of some sort in every room? Each one different size, and theme. Then use them as different focal points in the room. I Love it. I haven't told honey yet so we will see how he likes it. Oats doesn't seem to care, but we will see if he ever seems to notice. By the way in all of this redecorating their is now a corner in my bedroom that is dedicated strictly to Paris. :)
Ok here are the masks for the bathroom, which will still be blue, white and bronze. Accents of gold are ok but I want to stay away from the over decadence of 1700's gold that is ALL over "European" decorations and focus more on things that will take the mind to beautiful scenes.
But I digress. Here are my mask choices, mind you my bathroom isn't very big at all and we will never be able to change the forest green carpet but I choose to ignore the carpet.
There are a hundreds on ebay. Please let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas leave them in comments. I want to get at least one mask by maybe two depending on there size. One for me and one for Honey. Being the 'psycho' creature I am, I want them to represent Honey and I's personalities (this is the only part that is any thing like Romeo and Juliet).
Ok now on to the other decorating things that I have already found for the bathroom. I have two square mirrors that have metal designs over the top of them and cast iron candle holders. I also bought one of the wall decals to put on the back all above the toilet.
Honey thinks it is ridiculous and so do I but it was really cheap and wanted to see how I would like it. In there right now I also have two black and white scenes of Venice. So that is all for today. I will try and take some pictures of the finished product to put up, if I can ever find my camera.